Friday, 20 April 2007

Youtube hates Pantyhose

Youtube banned me again... I guess they hate pantyhose and love to run around in cotton socks... Therefore I will now post my pantyhose encasement movies at

from now on!



Anonymous said...

What I want to know is who are the zealots who keep complaining?! Some people have nothing better to do than go around complaining about things like this. I mean there is far more controversial things on YT. And for goodness sake not one single centimetre of your skin is shown!

ZentaiCD said...

Hi Michelle, love your blog, great stuff.

I know how you feel about youtube, they have banned some of my clips too.

Its quite stupid really - On youtube you can watch a man beating another to a pulp in a street fight (just type in 'Kimbo'), or horrific accidents and executions, but these kind of clips that we both produce are regarded as offensive. There is no flesh on show no nakedness and no sex - Offensive? I dont think so.

Anyway keep up the good work my encasement queen and visit my blog when you can and maybe leave me a nice comment or two. Rogue kisses 4you. x JR